Stephanie's 7th Birthday

Happy 7th Birthday Beautiful Stephanie

Stephanie chose to have a ice skating party and invited the girls from her school class, and a few other friends.  We had over 20 kids and parents join us at the Jurong JCube icerink on a Friday morning during school holidays.

Ivy, Stephie, Asha, Elisha and Saba

Her birthday cake was made by a lady in Singapore, who makes AMAZING designs

Stephanie raced around and helped her friends on the ice -
the birthday kids have orange bandanas

One of the ice crew - Illysha (Sebastian's older girlfriend)

Daddy took time off work to attend the party

Friends -:)

Stephanie LOVED her cake

Her friends at Chilli's having lunch

Birthday cake at school

Thanks Belle for making the gorgeous cupcakes

Opening presents night

Stephanie's birthday night ... thanks for all the presents!

Mummy enjoying holding a statue from Tiwanaku Bolivia, carbon dated 12,000 yo

Sebastian's other girlfriend, Mya

Halloween night

Harry Potter and Pirates of the Carribean

Halloween iceskating night with daddy
Stephie poolside at home

Stephie standing on water!

A man in the clouds

Sunrise Sentosa

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