Sebastian's 5th Birthday

We had a HUGE HUGE month!!!!! 

Father's Day  Uncle Steven Visits   Lost Dog
Athletics Day - Stephanie at School
Sebastian's Birthday Barbie Musical
Art Exhibition - Sebastian at School
Sebastian's Birthday Party
F1 and Killers Concert LEGOLAND
Magical Clouds and Rainbows

First of all - Happy 5th Birthday Sebastian!!!!  You are incredibly gorgeous, compassionate, loving, understanding, intuitive, sensitive, loyal, friendly and warm.  We love you!

We started with celebrating Father's Day by taking daddy to our local special Italian restaurant and sharing some lovely gifts with him.

Next we were surprised with a visit from Uncle StevenHe came for 5 days, and we had a lovely catch up with him.  On his first day with us, we found a Lost Dog on the side of the road, and spent all day looking for its home.  Here we are at the local dog pound, to see if she has a microchip to locate her owner.  We had her all day, and at 9pm at night the owner calls us, and came to collect her.  They were so so happy to see her, but also her sister dog was very happy to reunite with her.

lost dog 'Emmie' (Sebastian called her Princess, Stephanie called her Sprinkles)

Listening to his ipod, singing and playing the guitar to the music

mummy and daddy went out to dinner at Gardens by the Bay

Athletics Day - Stephanie at School  Lots of fun at school, and Uncle Steven came to watch. 

On Sebastian's Birthday we took gorgeous cupcakes to school to share and celebrate with his class.  After school he opened his presents from our family and we went out to his favourite restaurant for dinner.

Sebastian shares his birthday with another boy Ashan

Loved the cupcakes

we visited Stephie's class and he gave cupcakes to 2 of the girls, Ivy and Jodie

Sebastian's friend Remi

birthday cake at home

presents with the family

Barbie Musical

the next night we took the kids to see the Barbie Musical, one of Sebastian's presents

the kids play in the shop windows at Marina Bay

Art Exhibition - Sebastian at School

Each year the 3-4 year old preschool children spend one term preparing artwork to exibit at a special show for the parents.  Sebastian chose his favourite theme - masks.  He has three masks here:  Happy, Angry and Scary.

Sebastian's masks - his display

Sebastian and his teacher Mrs Nadia Ghani

He visited all the classrooms and enjoyed the preschool art show,
displaying arts from all 250 children

going out to dinner at Sentosa

Jodie broke her arm just before school holidays

Sebastian's Birthday Party

We organized a birthday party at Port of Lost Wonder Sentosa with 4 of the birthday children in Sebastian's class.  It was an awesome day, sunny - loads of kids - and water slides.

Sebastian and the girls in his class

eating pizza
Hugo, Sebastian, Ashan and Remi shared their birthday ... and cake.

his friend Lucian

Sebastian became good friends with the lifeguards and didn't want to go home -:)

F1 and Killers Concert

our view at the F1 - Marina Bay Sands stage

on the track after the race
Videos of The Killers on stage - awesome band!!!!


Somebody Told Me:

Read My Mind:

All These Things That I've Done:

midnight in Singapore, lovely man feeding the wild cats

We visited LEGOLAND with Luca and Mia, celebrating Mia's 6th birthday.

Sebastian, Mia, Luca and Stephanie

Luca and Stephanie

kids love the rollercoaster!


Magical Clouds and Rainbows





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