Sydney Holiday - March 2013

I don't know where the time goes, it is flying by so quickly and each month ends with so much activity and joy, it is wonderful to capture the special moments

The sky is especially beautiful - enjoy the shapes and colours that are performing at the moment. 

Whilst I was walking Jasper, I saw this beautiful angel in the sky.

Angel in the sky
We babysat a friend's dog 'Cookie'.  Both dogs had such a wonderful week together, it was fun to see how animals can become best friends.  Both of the kids were very keen to keep Cookie, or buy another dog - but two dogs is definitely extra work, so not for now.

Jasper and Cookie

The kids loved playing having two dogs, one for each to cuddle whilst watching tv

Another amazing sunset in paradise
 Sebastian had an end of term Family Picnic, and we enjoyed the dance and activities in his class.

The class grows organic bananas in their yard

Marshmellow and grape kebabs
 At swimming lessons one Saturday, whilst mum was in the pool, Sebastian went for a walk and asked the assistance of the waiters and the lifeguard to help him buy Candyfloss.  He found our membership card, went and purchased it, and when the waitress came back to ask for my signature she saw I was busy in the pool so asked Sebastian to sign.

Sebastian's first signature
Sydney Holiday
We have missed being home for so long, and the kids have away for over 2 years ... it was time to revisit family and friends, and spend Easter with loved ones.  We stayed in Duffy's Forest at a beautiful farm, and had a lovely relaxing (and busy) break.

Kuma (godmother) and Jane

Stephie was so happy with receiving $50 from Baka (grandmother)

Jamie, Holli, Ashley, Stephie and Sebastian (Sonja and Damien's kids)
 Video of special dance from the girls:

Sebastian and Ashley (he kept saying to her "I'm going to eat you" in a loving way)
Jane and stepsister Sonja
 Easter with Bestak / Howard family

Easter bunnies:  Stephanie, Kuma, Sebastian, Tanya, Cassie and Alex

Milan - the bringer and bearer of food

The beautiful farm we stayed at

Cousin Tommy

Stephanie and Kuma

A easter / playboy bunny :) - cousin Rosa

The beautiful home we rented

Sebastian on the swings

Aryton, Tommy's son

Hiding the easter eggs for the big hunt
 Video of the Easter Egg Hunt

Hungry cousin

Family - all growing up

Easter Sunday was at Baka and Deda's house... Beautiful Baka
Deda, Baka, Lilly, David, Stephie Sebastian and Jane
The men watching TV

Sebastian, Lilly and Stephanie

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